Saturday, December 16, 2006

I'd like you guys to meet somebody. His name is Ryder Jack. He's my cousin. He was born Wed. Mom and Grammy and I went up to the hospital to visit him and took some photos. The first one is Mom with Ryder. Here's Grammy holding Ryder and letting me see him

It's gonna be fun having somebody to play with. I just hope he grows fast!
I know it's been awhile since I posted anything, but I've been staying busy. I'm learning to pull up and I have a mouthfull of teeth. Ryder was born on my ll month birhday. I'm gonna go for now but wanted to tell you that there's a link to Ryder's blog on my blog now, if you want to see it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I had some fun with my supper this evening. I've been teaching myself to blow and every time Grammy put a spoon full of food into my mouth I blew on it! It was really messy. I don't think Grammy enjoyed it half as much as I did!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Today is my 10 month birthday! Uncle Eli took this photo of me a few days ago.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Friday, October 20, 2006

I know that it's been a couple of weeks since I've written anything but I've been very busy exploring. I finally decided that if I wanted to get around faster I better quit rolling and start crawling. So, the view that you see in the 2 photos right below are the usual view of me these days.
Sometimes I explore things that other people think I shouldn't and that makes me cranky.
Look at this! Grammy said it's a gorilla. She brought it home to me today and wanted me to play with it...
I tried to for Grammy's sake...
but after I thought about it...
I decided to play with my doggie instead.
Uncle Eli and I have been having lots of fun lately.
Today he tickled me silly.
The other day he blew bubbles at me.

Since I wrote last I turned 9 months old and got another tooth. Mom took me to the Dr. for a check-up and I weighed 22 pounds and I'm 30 inches long! I'll try to write more often but I gotta go for now and hide that gorilla from Grammy.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Look what I keep trying to play with lately but nobody will let me get very far with it. Oh well, Grammy keeps throwing frozen veggies my way. My Grandpa came to see me yesterday. He let me wear his hat!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Maybe you guys can help me out... I'm trying to decide which photo to enter in a photo contest. It's a "Grandparents are the Greatest" thing and since I think that my Grammy and Grampy are the greatest I want to enter the contest. Which photo do you think I should send in? Just click on the word comment and leave your vote. Thanks!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Here's a photo of me and Mom taken today right before she left for work. Can you see my new teeth? Grammy gives me a lot of weird stuff to play with. She gave me a bag full of cotton balls today. They were fun to squish between my fingers. The other day I was sitting in my high chair being fussy while she was cooking dinner and she took a bag of frozen vegetables out of the freezer and put it on my high chair tray. That was cool!
Here's a photo of me and Grammy that Mom took today. Grammy was giving me kisses!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mom and I still take our naps in the recliner. This photo was taken yesterday.
This one was taken January 28th.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Grammy said she signed me up to pay tribute to someone named Christian DeSimone. He died on Sept. 11th, 2001 while he was at work. Grammy said some bad people flew a plane into the building he was working in on purpose! I'll bet his Mom was pretty sad when he died cause Grammy said he was a great son and loved his Mom a whole lot.He was only 23 years old when he died. To me that sounds kind of old but Mom says it's not old at all and that he should have had a whole lot more birthdays. I'm going to put some links in this post so you can read about Christian. Oh and I'm adding another link so you can read other tributes.
Here's the 2996 Project

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Grammy says if I don't update my blog soon she's gonna spank my bottom. (Yeah, right... like she would really do that) But I guess I might as well since it's been a whole 2 weeks since the last post. I went with Mom and Uncle Eli and Aunt Jazz and Grammy to Oklahoma City today! I didn't know the world was that big! The ride wasn't too bad but I'm not used to being in my car seat for so long and it was starting to make me a little cranky. We went to the city to see my Grammy's Dad. Grammy took her camera, of course, and I have a photo of me and my Great Grampy. This one is me hamming it up for the camera. I scratched my lip so that's why it's red.
Mom's going back to work at IHOP starting Monday. You know what that means don't you? That means Grammy and Grampy and I are going to have more quality time together! YEA!!!
By the way, I got 2 more new teeth in the last week!. That makes 4 so far. I'm almost ready for b-b-q ribs!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Grammy's been watching me since Thursday afternoon because Mommy's head has been hurting so bad. Grammy said something this morning about being burned out but I didn't see any fires.? Anyway, we've been having a good time. She's teaching me to pat-a-cake but there's never any cake... she just wants me to clap my hands! Grampy fed me my cereal this morning for the first time. It was fun. We used 2 wipe cloths and got really messy. Grammy and I had a photo shoot yesterday while we were playing and she said I should share some of the photos with you guys so here you go!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Grammy thinks it's time that you get to know the "other" side of my personality. She took these pictures today while she was watching me. Mom has had a really bad headache for a bunch of days now. I hope she feels better soon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Here's some photos that Grammy took when she got home from work today. Can you tell I'm finally getting some hair?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Mommy
Happy Birthday To YOU!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Today is my 7 month birthday. Grammy took some photos, of course. Chino and I gave each other a smooch. He's so silly!