Here's a photo of Mom and me and another one of Grammy and me. These were both taken today.
Well, looky there! My head's almost as big as Mom's !!
Mom and I have been gone for a few days. We went to Skiatook and spent some time with Grandpa. Of course when we got back today Grammy got her camera out and started snapping pictures. She laughed really hard when she took this one.
What's up with that? Grammy picked me up but then she put me down again ! ? !
Grammy watched me all night last night while Mom took a break. I was good for her and only woke up once during the night. She took some photos this morning and wanted to share this one with you guys.
Grammy's teaching me to fly!Aunt Jazz came to see me today.
I had some quality lap time with Grampy yesterday. Laptop time that is. We watched some cartoons!
I managed to dribble through my bib when Grammy fed me this morning. I'm pretty good at that. Grammy thought this photo was cute anyway and wanted you to see it. Chino wanted in the picture too!
Mom took Grammy and Grampy out to dinner yesterday evening. We went to IHOP, where she works. I got to go but I didn't get to order anything! What's up with that?